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The Let's Play Archive

Master of Orion

by Thotimx

Part 23: Episode III: 2375 - 2399

Episode III: 2375-2399

We've surpassed the Psilons now in production, at least for the moment, and also by a hair apparently in population. But we're not doing so hot anywhere else. Half their tech at best, and I don't think the gap is closing. By 2379, we'd mostly finished the new factories and research was progressing again ... but they'd leapt back a head of us in production anyway. Apparently they just decided it was time to finally build more factories. So we're still screwed.

Kholdan, Ajax, and Escalon are either outfitted with a decent number of missile bases now or almost there. Those are the ones the Psilons can easily reach. Their weapons tech is ridiculous, they have Zortrium Armor and Inertial Stabilizers now, etc. -- so bases are our only chance to survive if they decide to attack again. Building a fleet would be utterly pointless right now.

Controlled Dead comes in, which means we can expand a bit again. Hopefully. We do have one Inferno planet within range but I think another 20M is worth going for the Terraforming option.

There's three planets we can reach now, and a fourth when we get better propulsion. Still a chance we might find more once we scout further. Time for a couple new designs.

A faster scout will be built in enough numbers to replace all of these existing ones, and a new colony ship for dead planets, both with nuclear engines for faster travel. Most of these planets completely suck, making the terraforming option all that much more important. But still better than nothing. The Psilons remain happy for the moment, so we sign a Non-Aggression Pact. Mrrshans could still tip them against us at any moment, but we lose nothing by trying this.

This is basically a non-event, particularly given how quickly the lizards breed. Not much damage, and they'll recover quickly.

Meanwhile the Psilons beat us to Laan, the one half-decent planet that was still out of our range. Crap.

The new range comes in, but it's too late on multiple levels. We'll go with the stabilizer here, for speed of moving up another tier as much as any other reason.

For all of our construction expertise, we continue to have no choices. At least another reduction in waste lets us put more into research, where we continue to fall further and further behind despite maximum effort.

Rayden and Maalor, two min-sized 10M max colonies are settled in 2384. Um, yay?

One last colony, and it's enough to establish contact with the Silicoids. They seem not particularly pleasant. It also puts us back in contact with the Mrrshan. At least we can get some more info on galactic-goings on, and more precisely define how hopeless our situation is ... the Silicoids are Aggressive Technologists.

Sheesh. Current balance of planets: Silicoids 18(at least they've mostly stopped), Psilons 13, Mrrshan 3. We have 13. Conclusion: the rocks basically have the right side of the map, with the exception of the lower part. We get a front-row seat to watching them and the Psilons vie for supremacy . The Sakkra must be in the lower-right, Bulrathi the upper-left.

There are two available planets yet that are too distant for us, 6 parsecs away. Given the stakes here, I decide to send out two more capital-sized colony ships. Even with 15 I don't think we can challenge the Psilons or Silicoids, but it might keep us in the game a bit longer. The cost is now fairly trivial for our economy, so why not.

At least we aren't the Mrrshan isn't a great rallying cry. I'd try taking a planet or two from them if they weren't still annoyingly allied with the Psilons. We'll probably have to fight them for our new colony Neptunus. Of course what really matters here is the ever-growing Psilon tech lead. It won't be too long before the reach the stage of being able to point at things and make them die.

This is the best we can do in terms of a combat ship: we'll build a fairly minimal amount of these and send them on. The Ranger will use the standard hit-and-run tactics. I did add a battle scanner to it after taking this image. This could do some damage to even Psilon ships ... but only in far greater numbers than we can afford to produce. I'm going to keep our ship maintenance in the single-digits here: keeping the research funding flowing is vital.

As you can see here we signed a max trade agreement with the Silicoids. It's a huge deal, and we'll be paying for this for a while, but they have no Mrrshan dealings at least at the moment and aren't thrilled at meeting us. We absolutely cannot afford to have them as an enemy. Getting them as a long-term friend may be our only remote chance here.

Turns out I can build the colony ships with reserve tanks at Cruiser size. I feel really stupid for not having checked this: I assumed it wasn't even close yet. At least it'll be cheap, but I could already have had them going.

Class III Shields are in, and now a bit of a break as we can get Planetary Shields. That'll help us hold out better against any potential invasion.

This is great news for us, and we gleefully accept in 2390. Max trade deals are immediately signed: 325 BC with the Mrrshans, 900 BC with the Psilons.

Our trade deficit is rather massive, working out to 16% of our current income at the moment. No more Rangers will be built: we'll bank on being given enough time to build up Neptunus and get bases going there eventually.

Other than a small radiated rich planet, there's nothing more out this way but Psilons. We've visited a couple unexplored ones that the Bulrathi own.

A couple years later, the first of our next set of tech reapings. Should have gotten a couple of other ones first but not complaining: this will give us another empire-wide boost. With as many planets as we have, this is worth another 300 million people eventually.

We'll nab Controlled Radiated next, allowing us to land anywhere. From what I can see that means just two more planets would be available -- but both of them are rich. The Psilons by the way only have barren landings available -- we're not beating them in much of anything, but that is keeping them from being even more ridiculous than they already are. Also ...

Very nice. And ...

When it rains it pours. We will of course acknowledge no such thing. It appears the Bulrathi have forgotten that they suck. Quayal, by the way, saw a 15M size increase.

The Bulrathi are Aggressive Ecologists, and sign a 225BC trade deal. They rank dead last, as expected.

Near the cursor here are a couple of systems they've only acquired due to being allies with the Psilons. Might be worth trying to break that alliance and then taking these at some point. For now, we sign a 225BC trade deal though; I don't anticipate us wanting to go to war anytime soon.

The web of alliances is such right now that attacking anyone would potentially put us at war with everyone. We're the only race without an alliance. Super.

Improved Space Scanner and Industrial Tech 6 come the next year, and both will be quite useful. Robotic Controls IV is the choice over a better Battle Computer in order to keep the economy growing.

An actual choice in our top research field!! Wonders never cease. Reduced Waste 40% is the clear choice here, cheaper and we just got a big reduction in factory costs so the next one wouldn't help us much.

According to our reports, nobody actually has Robotic Controls IV yet(Mrrshan and Psilons have III). Planetology tech sucks for most of them as well(ironically the Silicoids are doing the best). So these could be a couple of big advances for us.

After finishing the Mass Driver that we really couldn't care less about right now, we'll grab Stinger Missiles for another missile-base upgrade. The Psilons already have better missiles than this: we'd still be a long way from any credible threat to them.

Time to vote again. The Sakkra remain indifferent, and to the surprise of nobody we're not nominated this time.

The Bulrathi abstain as well, which should leave this another inconclusive vote. The Silicoids more than doubled their population and voting power in a quarter-century. That's not bad. They are still well short of the 17 required for power though.

Since they can't vote against us this time, the cats can't be bothered ...

Psilons check in with 11 tallies. We're not far behind the Psilons here, and we've pulled ahead of the Sakkra. Definitely in third. We can vote for either candidate and make them happy while ticking off the other, or abstain and irritate them both to a lesser degree. There's no 'safe' vote here. Our relations with the Psilons are much better than with the Silicoids, so I take a calculated risk and cast our lot with Geode.

The Psilons respond, and I quote 'We are not amused'.